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Friday, March 23, 2007

So big!

Has it really been almost 3 weeks since I posted? *sigh* How does life get so busy?!?! I have finished up tutoring and the reading class I was teaching this month, so things should have slowed down a little, but with all these applications I'm filling out for teaching jobs next year, I'm still super busy. In fact, just yesterday I had my first interview since I was pregnant with Kyle! It went well, but competition is fierce for this particular school district, so I'm not holding my breath.

Kyle has been growing up in leaps and bounds this month; can you believe he'll be 19 months old in just a couple days? He sleeps in his twin bed all the time now, and we're debating what to do with the crib. Additionally, we've been working on using the potty and we now catch 99% of his number 1's & 2's in his potty when we're at home. I've tried taking him to the bathroom when we're out and about, but he is way too interested in the public bathroom stall: the toilet paper, the different toilet seat, the trash can, etc..., so we're still wearing pull ups when we leave the house.

The first week we worked on potty training we'd take him to sit on the toilet every 15-20 minutes, but that wasn't working very well. I read a book affiliated with this organization, and decided to pick up two pounds of retired cloth diapers from our local diaper service, in addition to a package of snappies. Well, the second week of potty training we started putting Kyle in cloth diapers at home and he immediately noticed the wet feeling when he would start to pee. It didn't take long before he would sit on the potty with the cloth diaper on when he had to pee or nod yes if we asked him if he needed to go, or even go just a little in the diaper and wait for us to notice it was a little wet and put him on the potty to go. I'm telling ya, the cloth diapers really helped him realize that sensation of having to go. And the past two days, we've caught both of his number 2's in the potty (or very near it). I'm just ecstatic. We are using significantly less diapers, he only goes through 2 or 3 cloth diapers a day, so I'm not doing diaper laundry all the time. I know it'll still be awhile before he's "potty trained", but it is so encouraging to see a light at the end of the diaper tunnel!

In other news, Kyle is chatting up a storm. He loves to babble and talk; we can tell he has a lot of new words on the tip of his tongue. We brought home one of my old newborn cabbage patch dolls (the bald ones) and put one of Kyle's old sleeper jammies on him. Kyle will sometimes have the doll sit on the potty with him, put him in the stroller to push around the house, or even take him with us when we go out. Kyle likes to have me or Kevin hold the doll too. He seems to know that the doll is a "baby", whereas he is not.

Not only did we bring home a baby doll from Phoenix this past weekend (we were visiting to celebrate Kevin's 25th birthday and see some of my family), but I also pulled out Kyle's infant car seat, newborn clothes, and a few other items for the the Tatum family to borrow while they're in Arizona this summer. They are having a little boy in June! It was so memorable to look at all of Kyle's old baby gear and clothes. Kyle immediately sat in the infant car seat after I pulled it from my closet and took a close look at all the other stuff we brought back. We talked about how he used to use the infant car seat, but now he was too big and used a big boy car seat. I can't believe he'll be turning two this summer!

Kyle has really gotten the hang of waving "bye bye". It took him until this month to really do it on a consistent basis. Now, if he wants to leave the house he'll start waving bye bye, and this morning he made a point to turn around after we left the nursery at church and wave goodbye to April, the college student who watches him during Bible study. It's so neat to see things click for him. We walked over to the Tucson spring street fair after Bible study and Kyle loved seeing all the different people, shops, and hearing the music. There was a group of young people playing steel drums and he just tapped his feet on the stroller the whole time we listened.

And lastly, we've been dropping Kyle's bath from his bedtime routine on an occasional basis. He will often ask to go straight to bed instead of taking a bath first, which, is all the same to us since he usually likes to hop in the shower when we are getting ready in the morning. That's about it! I'll make a point to update a little sooner next time...

Saturday, March 03, 2007

A weekly update

Kyle and I had a lot of fun this week; I can't believe he's 1 1/2 years old! On Tuesday, he had his 18 month check up: 24 lbs and 33 1/2 inches long. Still tall and skinny! The pediatrician said that Kyle has all of his teeth except for the 2-3 year molars. I'm not looking forward to when those come in...

We ran errands, went to tumble class, and storytime this week. This evening we all (including Kevin) went over to The Baughmans' house to play with Emily (3 years) and Eric (18 months) while their parents went out to dinner! We're starting to try exchanging babysitting with other families that have children around Kyle's age. Kyle loves Deborah (mom), Emily, and Eric; we usually see them a couple times a week at various activities and it helps that they live just a mile or two away!

Also, we had a much anticipated visit from Kyle's great grandparents! They stopped over in Tucson, on their way home from Tombstone and spent the afternoon/evening with us on Friday. Kyle really warmed up to both of them by the time they left and was truly impressed by their truck.

Lately, Kyle's had a thing for trucks; he points out every one he sees and even the occasional large SUV is considered a truck in his book! He likes to pretend to drive them, hang out in the truck bed, or even just be driven around in them. I always ask him "Do you think daddy should drive a truck?" and he vigorously shakes his head yes. Although, he would be sad to see daddy get rid of his motorcycle. Every morning when Kevin leaves for school, Kyle makes his motorcycle noise and pats his head to indicate that daddy needs to remember his helmet!

Kyle is adding more to words to his vocabulary, but still loves to sign. We'll ask him if he can say certain words and he'll shake his head "no" if it's a word he can sign. We' d like to teach him please and thank you, but have decided not to show him the signs for those words. Also, he's started to make these sounds that remind me of humming or singing; they're higher pitched and almost sing songy in rhythm. One thing he does sing is "EIEIO" from Old MacDonald's Farm.

And lastly, Kyle has started running! He likes us to say "On your mark, get set, go!" and he'll take off around the house, or run around pushing his Tonka truck from room to room. It's so cute, although I wouldn't want to live underneath us with him at this age!

A small personal note, would you pray for the perfect job for me? Kevin and I would like to save some money up so we can have another baby at the birth center here in Tucson before we move after he graduates, so I'm looking for a job! We'd like to find something where Kyle would only be in preschool part time and home with one of us the rest of the time. Thank you!