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Saturday, July 30, 2005

Welcome to 36 weeks...

...and counting! This week has been super busy with moving out of our old apartment and in to the new one. We turned in the keys on Friday and it feels so good to be completely out of there! Kevin has been great about not only doing most of the moving/cleaning of the old place, but unpacking and settling our new place too. A couple boxes a day unpacked should have us settled in before Kyle is born.

Speaking of Kyle, he is getting soooo BIG. I can hardly believe how he moves and contorts both of our bodies to get himself comfortable nowadays. I tire a lot quicker than I used to early on in this pregnancy, which can be frustrating. I keep thinking I can accomplish this huge to do list everyday, but I barely cross off the top two items before I'm exhausted!

My favorite place to be is definitely in the water, whether it be swim class or our community pool. This week a lot more people have been saying "Looks like you're gonna have that baby anytime!", which I assume means my belly is getting bigger, in addition to the rest of my body as I continue to swell. Despite the fact that swelling is annoying, perhaps it means I will lose my pregnancy weight faster because a good part of it is water weight!

Our next appt. is on Monday (which is also our anniversary!), so I'll try to get an update to you after that!

Friday, July 22, 2005

What is THAT in the toilet?

And one last note for this week:

I've been losing my mucus plug; little bit each day, but nothing bloody yet. If you don't know what that means, well, I'm not going to explain it because it's kind of gross. You can look it up here if you like. However, it is a good sign that my body is starting to gear up/get ready for Kyle's arrival!

Yea! for 35 weeks tomorrow and 36 days to Kyle's due date!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

A few notes

So an appt. update first: Kyle is measuring at 35 weeks (a week ahead of where we are) and he's in the perfect position for labor and delivery! Pray that he stays that way! We found out that one couple in our class gave birth to their little girl about 2 weeks ago, after our last pregnancy class. She was a preemie, but is home now and doing well. It's amazing to think that they have their baby already! She was due around August 9th I think it was.

One of the most amusing things that has happened lately is when older men ask me how far along I am. They'll say "Oh, six months along?" and when I answer "Nope! 8 months!", all of a sudden they are very nice "Put your feet up, take it easy", LOL. This happened once at church and once after my swimming class.

Remember how I said Kyle was doing a morning exercise routine? Well, it hasn't stopped for almost 72 hours! He has been so active lately, it is just wearing me out! The one thing that I have been able to count on is our afternoon nap; Kyle will settle down for that one.

We got to see Kevin's dad (a.k.a. "grandad") last night, since he's in Tucson for work this week. I am so thankful for all of the family support we have and how close everyone lives. It is such a blessing!

The last two days I've been feeling kind of yucky; just lethargic and slightly nauseas. I know my eating habits have been a little off since we've been moving, so I'm hoping with that getting back to normal, the way I feel will get back to normal too.

This weekend we should finish up moving from the old apartment to the new one, which will feel like an accomplishment. I can't believe the month of July is almost over. We'll be celebrating our 2 year wedding anniversary in less than 2 weeks! That's all for now!

Monday, July 18, 2005

Settling in

I swear Kyle has his own exercise routine every morning! He roams all around my belly pushing it out here and there while I eat breakfast, then settles down for what I assume is a nap. I think we both had trouble getting comfortable last night! He was more active than usual and neither of us slept much. We do seem to be able to take a good 1-2 hour nap every afternoon though. I've noticed I'm a lot more tired and lose my breath more easily the last couple days than I have earlier in this pregnancy. His due date is less than 6 weeks away, which seems like no time at all!

Kevin and I are still moving a few things and unpacking the new apartment. The most exciting event is that we are now able to do laundry, LOL. I never thought I'd be so pleased to do laundry, but we needed to do it before we moved and then had some hook up problems, so it's been almost 3 weeks since the laundry was done!

I also found out yesterday that Kyle's great Aunt Jewel and Uncle Denny would like to purchase his crib; what a blessing! We have received lots of little clothes, but just a stroller and car seat as far as major items go. Our shower is coming up, but of course I'm anxious about setting up his room knowing that his due date is so close!

We have an appointment tonight and I'm wondering how big he's going to measure today! Some of the ladies in our class are due as soon as Aug. 1st, which is really amazing to me. Some of these babies could be born by the time we have our next pregnancy class!

All in all, I'm feeling good. My swelling isn't near as bad as it was last week, I'm able to stay cool in the new apartment, and just as uncomfortable as any other pregnant woman who's 8 months along! That's about it! My next goal is to get some new pictures posted this week, so I'll let you know when that happens.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

So much to do...

I'm sitting in our new apartment, feet up on a pillow, gallon of water by my side, watching a rerun of the Tour de France. A lot has happened in the last almost 2 weeks since I posted. We're in the process of moving to a new apartment, that I am so pleased with (can you say air conditioning?!). My feet are swelling everyday no matter what...I think I've been pushing it just a little too hard for 8 months along. I doubt the record heat here in Tucson is helping much either!

I get asked at least once a day when I'm due by perfect strangers when I'm out and about; Kyle has really popped out lately, but my belly usually doesn't resemble a round circle...more like a triangle or lopsided square. Instead of kicking me, Kyle simply pushes his limbs out and around my belly, which is more comfortable than the kicks. I have a feeling it's just so crowded in there that kicking has become a little difficult to accomplish.

At our last appt., Kyle was measuring a week ahead of where we're at. My weight gain has slowed down considerably, but the midwives aren't worried about it. We are 44 days away from his due date; it's so close yet so far! That's about it; we'll be 34 weeks on Saturday!

Saturday, July 02, 2005

32 Weeks!

Yep, we're 32 weeks today! It's flying by and yet time is moving so slowly; hard to explain. Kevin and I officially celebrated living in Tucson for a year this week. So much has happened that we definitely weren't expecting this past year! It's like a dream that Kyle will be here in less than 2 months.

Kyle has been doing some exploring this week; of my uterus that is. I find him practically crawling around to my back via my right side and when he stretches his legs up in to my ribs, his little head pushes down excruciatingly on my cervix. It's quite the experience! If we do a little trip in the car during the day, he'll move around my stomach following the light from the sun shining on my belly. Sometimes I think he moves just to hear my voice; at times it feels almost like someone is tickling me so I'll laugh and he'll keep moving. So funny. I can't wait to know him, his personality; it's very exciting to think about who he is and will be.

We have an appt. on Tuesday, then I'm off to Phoenix for a dentist appt. on Wednesday.