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Monday, June 20, 2005

30 weeks and counting!

It has been forever since I've updated...I know. Thankfully, I am feeling better. Kyle got the hiccups for the first time last week! At least the first time I've felt them; he gets the hiccups about twice a day now.

If you see me in the next couple weeks, you'll notice I practically have a shelf where my belly sits! We are at 30 weeks now, which is terribly exciting. When we found out we were pregnant last December, I never thought this summer would arrive!

I'm a little more uncomfortable everyday and Kyle is definitely getting stronger. I think I stressed the little guy out at an action movie we went to with all the loud noises; I received the hardest jabs I've ever felt from him in the theater! He likes to wake up when Kevin's alarm goes off now. Kevin has decided to try to become a "morning person", so that means a 6 a.m. wake up call. So far, I can usually settle Kyle down for another hour or so of sleep, but he is definitely hearing everything that's going on around him!

We are in the process of cleaning out our second bedroom for Kyle and baby proofing the downstairs for a toddler I'm planning on watching during this upcoming school year. We're still looking to buy a house, but not expecting to be in anything by the end of August.

And finally, we have an appt. tonight! I love hearing his heartbeat; it really keeps me going when I'm feeling the worst!

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