Well, it's official: we are in the third trimester. I feel more and more like a house everyday, which, I guess in some ways I am a living house for this little guy. I had Kevin take the first belly shot of this pregnancy yesterday, because I knew I would never wear that shirt again, until after Micah arrived, lol. I was hoping to post it for you, but alas, it has yet to make it off the camera, so you will have to wait. Sleeping is becoming more of a chore, even with my nightly unisom and b6, but naps seem to come easier, so who knows. I feel like there is more and more I want to get done, but I need to take it slower and slower now, lol. There is something about the impending birth of your child that makes you want everything just right.
We did make our one and only big ticket purchase for Micah's arrival: that fancy stroller I've been alluding to! I found one on craigslist in Phoenix and just happened to be the first person to take a look at it. Of course, it is now sitting in our TV room. It is only 7 months old, but man, that mom must have let her kids live in it! I vacuumed, scrubbed, and polished for over an hour to get it to my level of acceptance, but it was all so worth it. We have made a big deal about referring to it as Kyle and Micah's stroller and Kyle now tells everyone who asks about his new stroller that it is his and Micah's new stroller. Kyle often feels an intense possessiveness of his strollers, which makes it hard to sell them when we move new ones in, and he was not about to let Micah touch his Maclaren Triumph, which we've been using for the past year. I'm still trying to figure out how to sell the Triumph and our Burley bike trailer from under his nose without it traumatizing him. Our new stroller is the Phil & Ted Sport Buggy V2 with doubles kit in blue camo, if you are curious.
Kyle has been increasingly interactive with Micah the last week or so. Micah always gets a kiss and hug good morning and good night, in addition to songs, and, on occasion, prayers. This morning he was hugging my belly and said "Micah's such a good brother", lol! Easy to say when he's still inside mommy! He had his ear up to my belly and said Micah was crying, so I asked if he wanted to sing him a song and he said yes. I started with the good morning song, then Kyle said he was still crying and we needed to sing rock a bye baby. It's totally cute and wonderful and eye opening to see this pregnancy through Kyle's eyes.
It's late and I'm exhausted...here's praying that sleep will come!