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Sunday, June 18, 2006

I'm so bad at these title things

After reflecting on some of the "mom" wisdom I heard while we were in Mexico, I realized I liked the idea of buying finger foods for Kyle. He loves to feed himself and I'm just not in to scraping oatmeal off of everything within a 5 foot radius of him. So, at the grocery store this week, I bought a few items that I'm hoping will work. He's a definite fan of the whole wheat goldfish and the veggie hot dogs. We still have to try the frozen blueberries.

Also, Kyle's new (well, new to us) car seat arrived this weekend. Despite our misgivings on how big it is, it fits in our car so that there is actually more room for the front passenger! He seems to like it well enough and definitely fits in it better than his infant car seat. We debated on just sticking him in his forward facing car seat, which we already own, but after much research decided that leaving him rear facing was the right thing to do.

And, the best news of all is that Kyle has slept through the night for the past two nights in a row, 10 hours each time! I'm so proud of all 3 of us for sticking it out with the Ferberizing. In reality, we started the process Tuesday night and he was sleeping through the night by Friday night, so we really didn't do that much. However, we are expecting that he'll regress at some point, which is typical of most children as they hit various developmental milestones.

On a final note, what does Kyle do with the letter magnets I bought him this week? Throw them under the fridge, of course!

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