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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

VBS Junkie

That's right, here in middle TN, you can go to VBS every single week of the summer if you want. Alas, you do need to register, online, and early! So Kyle is signed up for 5 weeks of VBS this summer, the whole month of June, and one week in July. All different themes, and different churches. I guess this is what happens when your mama is in her third trimester all summer long. He's thrilled by the way; ecstatic even for games, music, and general fun while learning about God. In the rest of the summer hours I plan to be at the YMCA, feeling weightless in the pool.

And, you'll never guess, but my phone pictures are on this computer right now, so how about some pics, hopefully not ones I have posted on Facebook yet:

Field Day

Blowing bubbles

Playing sticks in the backyard

Micah sitting on Kyle's lap while Kyle sits on Kevin's lap for storytime

Making cookies on Mother's Day

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