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Saturday, April 09, 2005

A Delayed Post...

Blogger was down, so here is my delayed post from Thursday...

So, the news I have is indirectly related to baby...I feel yucky. This is probably due to the fact that Kev and I spent last night in the ER waiting to have my infected, pussing, incredibly painful right eye examined because Benadryl made it worse! Turns out I have an infection (conjunctivitis?) and have to do antibiotic eye drops for the next week, three times a day. Now where did I pick up this fabulous little infection you ask? Well, that's a good question...seeing as I was frequenting middle and high schools the past two weeks, I assume I got it there. If you've been in contact with me recently (like the past week), wash your hands a lot and be on the lookout for red, pussy, painful eyes. Regretfully, I've felt like crap since waking up this this could be from lack of sleep, the sore throat I'm now experiencing, or the queasiness. All three just aren't making me a happy camper. Baby has been particularly active, most likely due to the change in his/her schedule I assume! Our next appt. is on Monday, so I'll give you an update then. That's it for now!

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